
Speech pathologist?

Speech Pathologists are dedicated professionals who specialize in identifying, diagnosing, and remedying communication disorders, including difficulties with speaking, listening, language comprehension, literacy, social interaction, stuttering, and voice control. With the aid of speech articulation therapy, children can overcome obstacles that prevent them from expressing themselves effectively, comprehending instructions, articulating words accurately, and conquering stuttering. By providing children with the skills they need to overcome their difficulties, speech pathologists empower them to reach their full potential and gain the confidence they need to succeed.

Say goodbye to the hassle of travel – our dedicated mobile therapists are ready to bring their expertise directly to you with our convenient Home Visit and Home Program services. And if you prefer a traditional clinic setting, we’ve got you covered there too!

Whether you’re a child or an adult, our Speech Pathologists have the skills and experience to help you reach your full potential. So don’t wait – book your appointment today!

Did you know Cross Care provides Formalised Assessments for Speech Pathology which include:
CELF-5 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals) Language assessment
  • For ages 5-21
  • A combination of 5 key sections assessing a different component of language, yet all contributing to the overall picture of a person’s language ability
  • 5 key sections include core language, receptive language, expressive language, language content and language memory
PLS-5 (The Preschool Language Scales Fifth Edition) Language assessment + articulation (speech) screener
  • For ages birth – 7
  • A comprehensive, interactive and play-based developmental language assessment that investigates both a child’s understanding of language and expressive communication, in addition to the child’s speech sounds
  • 3 sections include: auditory comprehension, expressive communication and total language score
DEAP (Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology) Speech Assessment
  • For ages 3- 6
  • Detects and differentiates between articulation problems, delayed phonology and consistent versus inconsistent phonological disorders
  • Provides the clinician with the sounds that a child can and cannot produce, or is not producing, and gives an overview of their oral-motor skills
The CELF–5 Metalinguistics
  • For students 9-21 years 
  • The CELF–5 Metalinguistics is designed to identify students 9-21 years old who have not acquired the expected levels of communicative competence and metalinguistic ability for their age. It assesses higher-level language skills that is embedded in upper-grade curricula and critical to classroom success.
The Triple C: Checklist of Communication Competencies
  • For ages: 12 years + 
  • The Triple C is a communication assessment that is designed for use with adolescents to adults, with little to no speech. It assesses the different stages of communication and identifies the stage of communication the participant is at. It also assesses functional skills and communication skills from the earliest unintentional level of communication to the final level of communication.
The Rosetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale
  • Ages: Birth – 3 years old
  • An examination of 6 preverbal and verbal areas of communication and interaction that reflects a child’s development.
  • 6 sections include: Interaction-Attachment, Pragmatics, Gesture, Play, Language Comprehension, Language Expression

Need help with your speech, language, or literacy skills? Look no further! Our team of talented and highly qualified Speech Pathologists is here to support you, with special certifications in literacy.

Speech Pathology FAQs

Why should I care about my or my child having an accent change?

Having an accent can often pose a challenge in the workplace, social settings, and personal relationships, hindering one’s ability and confidence to communicate effectively. Fortunately, accent modification can help to simplify speech, making it easier for others to understand and enhancing the effectiveness of communication. By working towards an accent change, individuals can overcome these barriers, allowing them to confidently express themselves and connect with others

What can I do to improve my child’s accent?

To support your child’s language development, consider enrolling them in activities that encourage frequent communication, such as sports teams, clubs, or public speaking events. You can also seek expert help from a speech therapist who specializes in the language you need support with. With a professional’s guidance and a communicative environment, your child will have the tools and opportunities they need to develop their language skills and communicate effectively

How can I deal with my child’s language delay?

Simple speech delays are often a normal part of development and can be resolved with time or with a little extra help. However, it’s essential to encourage and support your child’s communication, no matter how simple it may seem. Encourage the use of gestures or sounds and actively engage in play, reading, and conversation with your child. These activities can provide the foundation for strong language development and help resolve any temporary speech delays.

Is it possible to overcome language delay?

Simple speech delays are often a natural part of development and may resolve on their own or with a little extra support. To promote communication and language growth, it’s crucial to nurture your child’s efforts to express themselves through gestures and sounds. Investing time in play, reading, and conversation with your child can provide a strong foundation for their language development and help resolve any temporary speech delays.

How can a lisp impact on my child?

A lisp can impact a child’s ability to comfortably participate in conversations and may also present challenges in a school setting where they may need to explain their speech difference to their peers. Having a lisp can make it difficult for children to fit in and effectively communicate with others, leading to a lack of confidence and reduced social interactions.

Can a lisp persist into adulthood?

A lisp can persist into adulthood if not addressed during childhood or if speech therapy was discontinued before its full benefits could be realized. However, whether or not to seek speech therapy is a personal decision and depends on the impact of the lisp on the individual’s life. If the lisp does not cause any distress or embarrassment, there is no need for therapy. But, if the lisp is a source of frustration or affects their daily life, it’s never too late to seek help. Our team of experts is here to assist and guide individuals towards improved speech and communication.

What is the impact of literacy difficulty on a child’s skill sets?

Children who experience difficulties with literacy often struggle in several areas, including phonological awareness, phonics, sight word recognition, and vocabulary acquisition. These skills form the foundation for reading and writing proficiency, and any difficulties in these areas can have a significant impact on a child’s overall literacy development.

Why should I care about the phonological awareness of my child?

It is crucial to prioritize your child’s phonological awareness, as these skills serve as the foundation for their future literacy success. Phonological awareness lays the groundwork for reading and writing proficiency and helps children understand the relationship between sounds and letters. By taking your child’s phonological development seriously, you can provide them with the best possible start towards literacy success.

Do you have social group skills development programs targeting adolescents?

Absolutely. Our organization offers group social skills development programs specifically designed for adolescents. If you are interested in learning more about these programs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to provide more information and help you find the best program to meet your needs.

Can speech delay be prevented or avoided?

The cause of speech delays can vary, so it’s not always possible to prevent them. However, seeking assistance from a speech therapist can provide you with strategies and techniques to support your child’s speech and language development. Early intervention can make a significant difference in promoting language growth and improving speech, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Is it too early to seek help for my child with speech sound disorder?

If you suspect your child may have a speech sound disorder, it is best to seek help as early as possible. Signs that may indicate a need for intervention include difficulty understanding language compared to peers, persistent speech errors, self-consciousness or frustration about speech, teasing from others, poor language comprehension, and speech that is not easily understood by others. Early intervention can greatly improve speech and language outcomes, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance.

Can a child suffer stroke speech and language problems?

Strokes can occur at any age, and children are especially vulnerable to developing communication difficulties after a stroke. It is important to seek professional help as soon as possible to support recovery and minimize the impact on speech and language abilities. Early intervention can improve outcomes and enhance the chances of a full recovery.

Can my stuttering child recover from the condition naturally?

Only about 5% of children who stutter will recover naturally without intervention. This means that it is essential for the vast majority of children who stutter, approximately 95%, to receive professional assistance from a speech pathologist. Early intervention can improve outcomes and support the child in developing confident and fluent speech.

How can I know if my child has word finding difficulty?

Word-finding difficulty can be identified if a child is able to understand a specific word, but struggles to recall and use it in their speech. This can cause frustration for the child and disrupt their ability to effectively communicate. If you suspect your child is experiencing word-finding difficulty, seeking professional assistance from a speech therapist can help.

What are some of the comprehension disorders?

Confusion regarding the meaning of words and phrases; failure to link concepts in a passage; omission of, or glossing over, details; trouble separating major information from small ones; and lack of attention when reading are all examples of comprehension difficulties. These are signs of comprehension difficulties and may indicate that your child is struggling with understanding what they are reading. Other symptoms may include difficulty making connections between words, trouble summarizing or explaining what they have read, and confusion regarding the meaning of words and phrases in a text. If you observe any of these difficulties, it may be helpful to seek assistance from a specialist.

What do the protective factors typically considered during early intervention mean?

Early intervention is designed to help mitigate risks faced by children and enhance their health and wellbeing by considering protective factors such as individual, family, community, and societal characteristics or conditions. These factors help to strengthen the overall environment and support system for children and families.